Wednesday, June 08, 2005

She's about a mover.....

Sunday I finally got a day off to relax, and enjoy bumming, with the better half. We worked in the garage and yard, and toyed with my Harley. So towards evening my wife tells me she has to go and feed her sister's fish, and water her sisters plants. Sissy and her newly retired husband has gone "walk about" in Missouri. (New to retirement, not a new husband...)

So I told her I would wait to cook the brats, until she got back. So I relaxed, and listened to some Island music, dreaming of our next Caribbean Vacation. Now a thought came to mind, and believe me, on a warm sunny Sunday, thoughts are hard to come by. I says to me, get out that old Raleigh Sprite, pump up the tires and check her out. This was a gift from a co worker of mine who graciously picked a pair of these bikes (1 man and 1 woman, matched set, brown original Sprite 5 speeds) that were wheeled to the street on garbage day! Discarded and left for a good crushing. I thanked him and stuck them in the garage for further scrutiny.

Well lets check out the Mans Model, I sez's to meself. Now these are some real flat tires. Out comes the pump, 50 lbs in each wheel. Now for the spin test. Hmmm not bad, a little side wobble, but minor. So I hops on it and take her out to the street, feeling it out, and frantically trying to lower the gear. Whew high gear is rough. Back to the garage for a seat adjustment, (Lower the nose) and raise the handle bars and headset. Now were cooking with gas...

Off I go the the street, and up to the corner. Hard right and a few pumps and, Man! does this thing glide! No peddling and it's like going downhill forever. So's I try it again, and again, and again. Neighbors think I'm nuts as I go around and around. Like a kid with a new toy.

So home comes the wife and I send her out with this toy, and shes comes back and sez's, man! does that thing freewheel!!!

Might be from the 70's, but they built them really good back then. Over 30 years old, and I'm impressed. It needs a little polish and shine, but it's my new around town cruiser. In fact, I'm thinking of taking this one to Branson with me next week, for Operation Homecoming. This is an excellent nostalgia piece, for the Vietnam Veterans Homecoming. What better than a bike right out of the early 70's...


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